Okay so there's a big Tour of California Bike Race that goes on every year just outside my work. Literally, I don't even have to leave my office to get a glimpse of all the cyclists. The start line is 50 steps from the front door. So, I know, I'm lame, and I was excited to get a glimpse of Lance Armstrong, who was the star attraction. It was a terribly rainy day for a bike race, but my boy H (who is big into this sport) and my (his) girl Ness were pretty stoked so I met them outside.
I'm not going to lie to you, I heard the countdown while I went to grab my umbrella, so I missed the start, but I got to see the cyclists swing around again for one last look. And I missed seeing Lance with my eyes AGAIN. It was all a blur, they're so fast. Thank goodness for TKG taking a picture with her iPhone (thanks for getting your big ass head in the way, H). So if people ask me if I got to see Lance, I will say, yeah, yeah I did. And if you say, but Pistol, I read your blog and you said you didn't see him with your own eyes, I will deny it. You'll forget sooner or later.

(Lance is in the Yellow & Black Helmet)
Liar liar pantalones on fire